Pretty Blood 3D Highjinks (aka PB3D) is a roleplay game that originated from the idea for a friends-only OC-based pretty blood roleplay game. However, due to many questions asking if it would be for everyone; it was turned into a public roleplay game. PB3D is owned and managed by Paramedic/Dr Viktor and Brutus/Leon. There's a roblox group for it listed as "3D Shenanigans", along with a community discord server. The discord has a semi-active userbase and development/update logs are posted there.

Game content: PB3D Roleplay has a ton of interesting and fun game content! Like its amazing and unique character morphs, which are stylized for a more exciting experience! Some other game content includes its buildings, amazing art done by the community both in the lobby and around and inside the map, and much more. The game updates by episode, so the game is currently on dream terror, the rest of the episodes are coming up! Rinny and toy lily are already in the game along with their respective morphs and builds, so there is plenty of fun to have! There is more to come soon and will be as fun as previous updates. The game also has an update board, so you can check in and see what things have been added recently.